This article doesn’t reflect any political or religious opinion. It is uncensored freedom of speech as a human right in action.

A reflection of the development of the wonderful human race and how much we have accomplished in our time on this planet.

A view of our World from the Viewpoint of an Individual

As we know, everyone is born with love. Hate has to be taught to us. Generation after generation, one thing should never be forgotten: Be kind, even if nobody is watching. It’s easily said that things are constantly changing. What is considered “right” is dependent on the time and culture we are born into. We consider the current state of life to be “normal”, a word often used to oversimplify and cause us to be complacent. Delete the programming and return to what we know innately.

There is so much more we could do, if we only wanted. A small effort for one person could change the whole world for another person. United we are strong like a forest. Separate we are but a lone tree. Distanced and told what we have to do and what we cannot. Besides general rules necessary to create a flow for us, we need to make our own choices. Experience comes from making mistakes and is necessary for growth. The more that goes wrong, the more we learn. The difference between impossible and possible are the letters IM. I (a)M POSSIBLE.

Everyone should have access to fresh water, heat, and a roof over their head. Currently we have the right to them only if we have the funds to afford it. Everyone one has the right to work, as long as there is someone willing to give us a job or one is available. We have to purchase the rights to fresh water, heat, and housing.

Be yourself and set your goals high. If the things you attempt start to scare you, this is a good sign. It means you should do it. Stay away from negative people. Every problem has a solution, and you will do just fine. Not many will see what it took to get where you are now or where you are going. If you do it, your accomplishments will speak for themselves. Follow your own path. Go all the way. This might mean losing things like friends, relationships, and maybe even family. Nobody can see your dreams but you. Do it now. There is no perfect time. Don’t wait. You can say one day or day one. The decision is up to each of us on our own.

Everyone sees what you appear to be, but only a rare few might see you as you really are. Like cards being hidden by a card player, we are never really visible to others. If you build in silence, they don’t know how to cut you down. It will confuse and irritate those that are against you. Where failure and mistakes slap you in public, success will hug you in silence. There is no such thing as fear. False evidence can appear real right? This imagined fear is what holds most of us back from the destiny we want for ourselves. Shake it off. It hasn’t happened yet. Don’t overthink what could go wrong. Rather, think of what you will achieve and how it will change your life. If you fall down and fail. Congratulations! This will happen at least once, but there are many who will never try. For yourself, you’ve already won.

There is a story I love about the eagle and the bat. A bat lands upon an eagle’s back while it’s gliding through the sky. The bat crawls up and bites the eagle’s neck. Despite the immense pain, instead of flying down to the ground, the eagle flies higher and higher as the bat holds the eagle’s neck in it’s jaws. The eagle flies to such heights that the air becomes too thin for the bat to breathe. The bat loses consciousness and falls off. So whenever something seems like it could pull you down, fly as high as you can. Shake off your haters and the society that causes you to draw back in pain. Be close to your friends. Be closer to your competition, keeping in step and determining the steps you need to pass them up.

It’s about who we are and what we want to be. As unique and free, we should believe in everything we do. Yes there are rights and wrongs, without doubt, but our conscience should lead us to the right decisions.

If your circle gets smaller, your vision becomes clearer. You can take a second look at things from the past. You can unveil the future and create something beautiful from it on your path. If rocks get thrown in your path, pick them up and build a castle from them. It is yours and only yours. Nobody can judge this, and if they do, don’t listen.

This is just one example. As much as we claim to have freedom of speech, that we can say what we think, there is censorship to silence us. A society becomes divisive if we are unable to express our opinions in a respectful way without people getting offended. Speak your truth. You are not responsible for how others perceive it. Creating change in yourself affects your well being. As long as you keep moving toward your goals, the chance at achievement will come. Never stop when you are tired and exhausted. Stop when you are done. Don’t tell everyone your dreams and plans. Shock them with your results.

If they say you can’t do it, it shows you their limits, not yours. So do it anyway and be greater and stronger than you were before. The only one who can limit you, is yourself. If you believe in yourself, you release the BEAST

With warm regards

Torsten Glaenzel